Monday, June 15, 2009

I Found MY Peace-of-Mind....I Suggest You Find Yours!

To take a vacation alone means to be in charge of your own time. It means that you get to decide exactly what to do or not to do with that time. I decided to try that this past weekend. Okay, you must be thinking - wow, that's unfortunate, you could have way more fun sharing your vacation with someone you love, with friends, or family. Oh, I'm sure that is fact, I know it's fun because I've done vacations with all of the above!

But being away all on my own is a different, much more liberating circumstance - like living life on MY terms and MY timetable. I spent my days reading, warming my skin in the sun, and enjoying meals oceanside while my evenings were filled with walks in the sand, dipping my feet in the water (fab pic, right?), gazing into the clouds, and redefining the meaning of my life.

So as I return home, I feel like I have it all figured out......much more optimistic about my future, much more clear about what I want and who I will be.

Smooches & Peace-of-Mind Quick Claps

Not one drop of my self-respect is dependent on your acceptance of me. - Quincy Jones

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