Monday, February 11, 2008

How to Stock Your Carry-On Bag

With the love of my life in another state, I am becoming the expert on flight travel - can you say "Urban Jet-Setter"! (yes, I travel in my 4.5" heels, DON'T act shocked! LOL) So.....after a few trips I have learned what is needed in your carry-on for a comfortable flight. Here are my suggestions:
  • I'm completely miserable if my mouth feels stale and my skin is dried out especially when you might be anticipating a "welcome" kiss. So I always bring a travel toothbrush, toothpaste, some facial moisturizer. (my secret for EXTRA fresh breath is out) I find the closest bathroom upon arrival to brush my teeth, add moisture to my skin where needed, primp hair, apply lip balm, and get my lip gloss poppin'!

  • I either like to layer on the plane or keep a Pashmina in my bag and fuzzy socks for when the plane gets chilly, the blankets that are provided are usually stiff and disgusting. (the socks usually get me a few extra stares but who cares, I'M FABULOUS!!)

  • I love yall but I can't stand the rest of the people in this world! So, I need a SERIOUS distraction at all is imperative to have a fully charged iPod full of great songs - old school, club, 80's (my favorite), and R&B hits to get me through.

  • SNACKS ARE A MUST!!! I usually purchase a bottle of water for the plane after the strip search at security to accompany the granola bar or Weight Watcher's bar that I have brought along.....5 peanuts in a bag and a half cup of Diet Coke can only satisfy you but so much.

Happy travels!

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