Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Beauty Quick Fixes

Good Morning Ladies, I have decided to share some favorite solutions to common beauty dilemmas and ways to keep it together when you're in a rush. (which happens more often that I care to admit, lol) Take notes.....

Eyeliner Smudges - When you are not going for a smokey eye end realize that your liner is running faster than a man that has snatched your purse and making a getaway, turn to Revlon Makeup Eraser Pen. Removes smears without greasiness so you can redraw immediately.

Yellow Teeth - We really should sip coffee and tea through a straw but there are times in the morning when I need some caffeine SO bad that I just don't give a hell what color my teeth will be when I finish! (okay, I know that I am not the only one who gets this way so stop shaking your heads) The answer, Rembrandt Whitening Touch Up Pen. It has an angled applicator that reaches even where toothbrushes can not.

Uncomfortable Shoes - You all know that I agree with Kimora, sometimes you have to suffer for beauty. (well, a DIVA like me will suffer everyday if needed.....yeah, I know I'm shallow) This is the BEST invention since slingbacks, Band-Aid Activ-Flex Blister Block Stick!!!!! It reduces friction and painful blisters from rubbing.

Another life-saver that I have found from Payless is Comfort Grips. (cheap version of Foot Petals) A pair costs $1.49 and provides extra comfort so that you can stand in stilettos all day and helps to prevent your foot from sliding forward in peep-toes or sandals.

Quick Emergency Manicure/Pedicure - To paint in lightening-speed time, use Avon Instant Manicure or Pedicure Enamel Strips. They go on like stickers and are dry upon application!!!

Clean Hands - Herban Essential Lemon Towelettes are antibacterial but won't dry out skin.

Deodorant Streaks - One of the WORST fashion mishaps, use Miss Oops Dry Sponge to rub away the white stuff in seconds, even gentle enough for silk. (secret, you can also use pantyhose if in a bind)

Wardrobe Malfunction - To avoid a Janet Jackson "Nipplegate" incident, try Hollywood Fashion Tape. Double-sided tape to help keep bra straps in place, prevent nipple slips, and even hem skirts without a needle and thread. (does anyone still do such a domestic thing as repairing a hem.....I don't even know where a needle and thread is in my apartment, lol - SHUT UP, YES I'M SHALLOW)

Spread the new found information ladies, it's your duty as a Diva Fashionista!

Until tomorrow- Smooches, Quick Claps, and Much Love-

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