Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Benefits of Wine

I read up on the surprising benefits of wine during my recent mini-vacation.....most of us know that vino is good for you heart, but it can also knock off extra pounds, fight stains, and make skin glow! (awwww, let's break out the Moscato ladies!!!)

Fat Stopper
The University of Ulm in Germany found that resveratrol, an anti-oxidant in grape skin, inhibits fat storage in fat cells. it also helps prevent obesity-related disorders like diabetes and clogged arteries.

Body Soother
Wine's antioxidants helps heal damaged skin, try this soak from Four Seasons Resort The Biltmore Santa Barbara in your next bath:

Add 20 drops jasmine essential oil

1/4 cup grape seed oil

1 cup Epsom or sea salt

1/2 bottle of red wine

Stain Lifter
Nothing attacks red wine stains better than white wine. Carefully pour white wine onto the stain, and cover with salt to absorb the liquid; shake off salt, blot with club soda, and launder as usual.

Smooches & Wino Quick Claps

Not one drop of my self-respect is dependent on your acceptance of me. - Quincy Jones

1 comment:

  1. Im gonna forward this post to everyone in my church! lol
    Wine is good for the soul~


I look forward to hearing your thoughts - be honest ladies: