Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Great Gift Idea of the Day - LAST MINUTE

It's THE day before Christmas, as in 24 hours and counting before the big day......and you still have not gotten a gift! You really don't have too many choices now, especially if you are reading this around the 3/4pm hour - what do u do?


Just my personal opinion, skip the CVS selection of gift cards or the Billy Blanks Tae Bo DVD in the sale bin at Walgreens - pick up a card instead and stuff it full of the green stuff. No explanation needed if you stuff with large bills! (wink)


May the closeness of friends, the comfort of home, and the unity of our nation, renew your spirits this holiday season. May it only bring happiness and joy to you and your loved ones.

Wishing you peace and love, Merry Christmas!

Erin D. Bush

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