Thursday, September 11, 2008

Neat Cuticles

Curb Your Impulse to CutWant to get hand-model hands? Resist the urge to trim your cuticles. "Your body overcompensates for what you're cutting away," says Tabitha Caputo, the nail director at New York City's Paul Labreque Salon & Spa.

To wean yourself, rub in a good cuticle oil twice a day (olive oil can also get the job done, but if you buy something specifically for your nails, you'll be more likely to use it) and push your cuticles back with a washcloth after every shower. Within a month, they won't grow back as quickly or as thick, says Caputo.

If you really can't stand them, once a week let a cuticle remover, such as Orly Cutique — which only whisks away dead skin — sit on your nails for a minute or two. Then, push back the cuticle and apply oil.

Smooches & Cuticle Quick Claps

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