Monday, June 30, 2008

Tinted Moisturizer

Question: Wondering if tinted moisturizer will give you enough coverage?

Answer: The advatage of timted moisturizer is that you get a sheer finish that looks flawless but nit heavy. Try applying it with foundation brush and use a concealer on top pf the moisturizer in places where more coverage is needed. If you're still not getting the coverage you want, blend your own. Thin out a liquid foundation with requlare moisturizer - mix the two together in a container or on your hand to achieve the right blend and then apply with a brush or sponge.

Try: Mary Kay Tinted Mositurizer with Sunscreen SPF 20, $18 (click on picture to be linked)
Smooches & Sheer Coverage Quick Claps,
Source: Marie Claire

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